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Thomas, said, “Julie cared deeply about students and their learning experience, and she was an accomplished scholar who was well respected by her peers.” This book is a final tribute to Julie's accomplished ca reer and is dedicated to her legacy. Christopher Puto, dean of the Opus College of Business at the University of St. During the final stages of the completion of the book, Julie unexpectedly died. John Olson The first edition of this book was coauthored by Julie Hays. Your strength as you battled cancer inspired me to change and educate others about our healthcare system. Dan McLaughlin To my father, Adolph Olson, who passed away in 2011. To my wife, Sharon, and daughters, Kelly and Katie, for their love and support throughout my career. For photocopying and copyright information, please contact Copyright Clearance Center at com or at (978) 750-8400 Health Administration Press A division of the Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives One North Franklin Street, Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606-3529ġ730 M Street, NW Suite 407 Washington, DC 20036 6™ Acquisitions editor: Janet Davis Project manager: Joyce Dunne Cover designer: James Slate Layout: Cepheus Edmondson Found an error or a typo? We want to know! Please e-mail it to, mentioning the book's title and putting “Book Error” in the subject line. Classification: LCC RA399.A1 M374 2017 (print) | LCC RA399.A1 (ebook) | DDC 362.1068 -de23 LC record available at htt) cn loc.g The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed | Health services administration- Quality control. | Chicago, Illinois : Health Administration Press Washington, DC : Association of University Programs in Health Administration, | Includes bibliographical references and index. Title: Healthcare operations management / Daniel 8. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: McLaughlin, Daniel B., 1945- author. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Copyright © 2017 by the Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. The statements and opinions contained in this book are strictly those of the au: thors and do not represent the official positions of the American College of Health care Executives, the Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives, or the Association of University Programs in Health Administration.

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Tipple, FACHE Marymount UniversityĪUPHA Health Administration Press, Chicago, Illinois Association of University Programs in Health Administration, Washington, DC Universityof Toronto Carla Stebbins, PhD Des Moines UniversityĬynda M.

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University of Detroit Mercy Debra Scammon, PhD University of Utah Tina Smith Nickerson, PhD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Mark A.

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Jacobson, JD University of Michigan Brian J. Crosby Jr, PhD Armstrong Atlantic State University Mark L. Bewley, PhD, FACHE University of Louisville Jan Clement, PhD Virginia Commonwealth University AUPHA/HAP Editorial Board for Graduate Studies Nir Menachemi, PhD, Chairman

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